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Listen to the CAREGIVER Soundtrack, curated by Rosannah Dawood

Record surrounded by the Caregiver card and a letter with a quote about the chosen music

As Head of Fundraising at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) Charity, Rosannah Dawood has become a good friend of ARgENTUM since the days of COVID when ARgENTUM started to provide self-care packs, first to NHS staff whose skin was affected by wearing constant personal protective equipment, and then to patients with cancer staying in The Cotton Rooms. The Cotton Rooms is a patient hotel, located next to the University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre, which has been designed for patients who require treatment, but do not need 24/7 care provided in an inpatient ward. Rosannah has joined forces with ARgENTUM to stage creative fund-raising events, the latest and upcoming being The Great London Bridges Walk.

It seemed only natural to ask Rosannah to compile the CAREGIVER soundtrack, aligning with the energies of compassion, nurturing and guidance. Initially Rosannah had questioned this choice as she is not a front-line caregiver and the archetypes she drew at her ARgENTUM Fragrance Reading were SAGE and LOVER. But on reflection, as the eldest of three siblings and the eldest of twenty five grandchildren she acknowledged that she has always looked after littler ones. And now she has her own children. She also relates strongly to the optimism inherent in the CAREGIVER archetype. Compassion was prevalent growing up in a big Irish family and spending the summer holidays in Dublin. Her family was pivotal in helping her become the person she is and bringing out the best traits in her personality. “They created walls of support.

Getting her selection down to 12 + 1 was a bit of a challenge for Rosannah and by her own reckoning it’s a bit of a mishmash, reflecting key stages of her life.

Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes: Paul Simon

My all-time favourite song. When I got married – on the beach in Mauritius - we had to have this song. My dad’s Mauritian and my husband is French. ‘Graceland’ was the album I grew up with – in Ireland and visiting Mauritius. All the tracks are great. This one’s ‘the diamond’! I love the musicality, the lyrics, the African influence.

Adios ayer: Jose Padilla

This song takes me back to a very special moment – coming out from the Peggy Guggenheim collection on to the Grand Canal in Venice. I had just left university and was there on a girls’ trip with my mum. Both my parents were nurses and they didn’t have a huge amount of money, but travel was their joy. Suddenly we heard this spectacular music, bringing a moment of pure mindfulness and knowing there was so much to live for.

Nightswimming: R.E.M.

The intro to this song is just so beautiful. In my teenage years I was obsessed with this album. I played R.E.M and U2 solidly for about three years and could tell you every single word of every single song. And this track is their masterpiece. If you’re having a moment, listen to this – it’s a great leveller. Music – and art – help people go through really hard times. It puts you in a better place to receive news, however tough.

The First Cut is The Deepest: Yusuf/Cat Stevens

The end of one’s first love is devastating. At that point, one hasn’t had the perspective of life. Aged 16, I was a Saturday Girl working in Monsoon in Windsor. I loved the colours, the fabrics. The other girls were older and quite bohemian, and different to my friends. They carried me for a few years as I learnt how hard it is to be on your feet for 10 hours. We played this album a lot! This is a sad song but at the same time uplifting: such a soulful voice.

Praying for Time: George Michael

A beautiful, healing song, full of compassion. It is so tragic what happened to such an amazing artist. I’ve played and replayed this: we want as much time on this earth as possible. I hope I get as much time here as I can. And praying for time becomes really poignant when it’s for someone who hasn’t got much time.

Purple Rain: Prince

Quite simply, a masterpiece. It’s one of my all-time favourites. It’s a very emotional song and really beautiful – and the energy of the ending…wow.

Rebel Heart: The Corrs

I love The Corrs, their music connects me to my Irish roots. This – very underrated - track is really evocative for me, of summers around Dublin. Now I take my kids. I am someone who immerses myself in emotions rather than pushing them away. This song brought comfort when I lost my grandparents, who were incredibly important and integral to my upbringing.

Cloudbusting: Kate Bush

Kate Bush is the most amazing female artist. When my mum bought ‘Wuthering Heights’ with its lovely black and white photograph on the album cover I said: ‘I want my hair like that!’ Mum was having none of it! Now my daughter loves this song too. It’s an incredible song. I loved the way it was used in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ underscoring the most powerful scene of female solidarity.

And the Healing Has Begun: Van Morrison

I’m a huge Van Morrison fan. His music is so uplifting. I like his music right back to the days of Them – so creative. When I was at Art College in the late 90s I was obsessed with Van. I discovered this track much later and it aligns perfectly with the CAREGIVER energy.

Ode to Joy: Ludwig van Beethoven

The most beautiful piece of music. Sublime. I love Opera and Classical Music and had to include this. It was played at my grandmother’s funeral. She’d said: ‘Send me on my way with Ode to Joy’ – I will be very grateful.’ The energy that comes from Beethoven! Every single note is beautiful.

ME!: Taylor Swift, Brendon Urie, Panic! At The Disco

A bit of a left field choice. My daughter is obsessed with this and what I love about it are the lyrics. Taylor Swift is a genius songwriter, and this song is about being unapologetically yourself. I love the line ‘you can’t spell aweso(me) without me’. Swift is a phenomenon, and girls derive so much female empowerment from her: nurturing, guidance, compassion.

Gouryella: Gouryella

I didn’t much like Uni, but I loved living away from home. I was also a bit of an outlier and didn’t like going out every night and getting obliterated. But I loved when we could go and dance. And this is the best dance tune ever. It’s less well known and underrated, but it has a lovely energy and the strings intro is really beautiful.

One, Live at Live 8, Hyde Park, July 2005: U2

I’m a massive U2 fan. A great song and live, with Bono on stage, just incredible. The energy that this song gives me – and all these songs – helps me to accept whatever emotions I’m experiencing. Helps me to re-calibrate. This is particularly meaningful for me as I work in an environment where sometimes it’s too difficult to listen to music because of what patients are going through. But, outside of that, music is an absolute solace, it evokes memories, uplifts. It has always been my anchor.