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la promesse ~ ARgENTUM

la promesse ~ ARgENTUM

A promise from ARgENTUM that puts people and the planet first.

There’s beauty in balance, and as we all ask more of the world we live in, we have a collective responsibility to take care of the things that matter. As a company, we’re promising to do better ~ to help care for our bodies and well-being, our forests and seas, and others less fortunate than ourselves.

“At ARgENTUM, the belief that there’s beauty in balance is more than skin deep. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin ~ and they’re integral to balance, so philanthropy is integral to us as a brand.”

Joy Isaacs, Founder

This World Environment Day, we’d like to share some of the work we’ve been doing, and continue to do, as part of our pledge, la promesse.

We’re taking care of our bodies and well-being

Unique in many ways, our skin is a protective and healing layer, but also the means through which we sense the outer world. Our skin’s appearance is inextricably linked to our health, wellness, and self-esteem. It’s the body’s largest organ and we need to protect it.

Healthy skin is more than important to us; it’s what we do. So, in 2023 we’re collaborating with the UCLH NHS Foundation, providing skin-supporting care packages for the Oncology Nurses to give to cancer patients in therapy and remission. We’re also aiming to help fund the salary of an Oncology Nurse by raising money through ongoing collaborative projects with the charity.

We’re taking care of our forests

Why we create, what we create, and who we create with matters ~ our impact on nature and society must always be positive. We’re already working with specialist paper-supplier, GF Smith, to reduce our environmental impact further, but in 2023, we’re also collaborating with Green The UK.

In the UK, we only have 13% tree cover compared to Europe’s average of 38%. Green the UK works with farmers, local community groups, and schools to help plant hundreds of thousands of trees. We’re supporting their efforts in nurturing woodland as well as marine meadows along the 18,000 kilometres of the UK’s beautiful coastline ~ encouraging biodiversity and working towards a healthier planet that improves everyone’s quality of life.

We’re taking care of others

Clean drinking water hydrates and delivers oxygen around our bodies ~ it’s vital for life, and for some, simply attaining it impacts their quality of life. For people less fortunate than us, sourcing any water, whether clean or not, means sacrificing education, income, and good health.

In many isolated rural areas around the world, almost ten times the population of the UK walk to collect dirty water every day. So, in 2023, we’re collaborating with charity: water to help sponsor a water project that gives children in the community their education back and their parents an income to provide for their families, while ensuring clean, accessible water for all. 

We’ll be updating you on our work in these areas and sharing how you can help us offer even more support to the projects very soon.