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Our Hero for Our NHS Heroes!

Our Hero for Our NHS Heroes!

Well hasn’t 2020 been somewhat of a surprise and shock to us all as we’ve had to face our vulnerability? For me, it’s been a whirlwind, trying to stay focused on my inner strength because my baby boy, Jax was born six weeks early and faced some dramatic twists and turns that saw us ending up in Great Ormond Street Hospital for three months.

"We're giving £1,000,000 worth of our healing and protective cream, la potion infinie, to as many of our frontline NHS workers as possible."

Joy Isaacs, Founder

When lockdown hit, I was quarantined in the hospital with my son, wandering around a very surreal space as it started to prepare for the worst. It was mentally challenging at times, living like Tom Hanks in the film Terminal from a bedside recliner, eating from vending machines and wondering why no-one was wearing a mask.

It was humbling to be there 24/7 with all the different doctors and nurses as day shifts followed night, and hands and faces became cracked and sore from endless washing. Scary trips to the canteen, trying not to touch any surfaces ~ keeping my two-metre distance so as not to bring COVID-19 back into the ward, only to find out it was already there, we just had to be extra vigilant.

"The cream has come at the perfect time as a lot of the staff have sore faces due to wearing the full PPE all day. A bit of face pampering is certainly in order."

Great Ormond Street Hospital

We’re home now, and I’m grateful Jax is doing so well, but strangely, that time feels like a dream. I feel relieved to be home, spending time with my family. Yet, at the same time, I worry about the difficulties the most vulnerable people and children in our society are experiencing in lockdown.

Like many other brands, we want to give back and help in any way we can. What we have is la potion infinie, and we want to give our cream to as many of the frontline workers as possible, so, we’ve allocated £1,000,000 worth of product to do just that. It’s a small gesture in the grand scale of things, but we hope it brings our heroes some relief from tired, cracked skin and gives them the powerful healer of self-care and pampering.

"Thank you so much for the gorgeous products. It is humbling to receive this. The staff feel honoured to be remembered in such a lovely way."

St Mary's Hospital

We’re all doing our bit, and I find it incredibly heart-warming to see how we’ve come together to help save lives and care for each other. I’m also overwhelmed by the generosity of our Chinese business associates who have sent thousands of face masks, disinfectant and toilet paper, offering all the support they can. The love stretches far and wide, and I know from this extreme difficulty, good things will grow.

It’s hard to stay in strength without staying in gratitude, and it’s this thanks I give with all my heart to the NHS frontline workers and all those that saved my son, giving us a chance at the gift of life.

With love, Joy