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Listen to the RULER Soundtrack, curated by Hannah Teare

The RULER soundtrack by Hannah Teare header image of ARgENTUM's RULER card on a vinyl record

As a former fashion director at Tatler and Conde Nast UK, Hannah Teare focuses on creating fashion stories that are narrative-led and desirably fantastical, drawing on a deep passion for history, art and literature and working for clients such as American Vogue, Vogue China, Vanity Fair, and Vivienne Westwood, it’s not surprising that she is drawn to the whole concept and world of ARgENTUM. She particularly enjoys l’etoile infinie and le masque infini, even though the latter freaks out her four-year-old son, Luke, when she has it on!

Hannah took the brief of selecting tracks through the lens of the RULER to heart. “This felt more complex than Desert Island Discs. I found building the Ruler list quite exposing - I’m a bit of a Pop lover, and I went through the mill regarding what that might say about me; still, I hope I have been able to bring elements of cool and surprise in to the mix.” The archetype lens proved thought-provoking. “On the one hand, as a mum and a working woman, the energies of integrity, balance and adaptability are necessary for just getting through every day ~ on the other hand, it made me think about what typifies a strong ruler in the political sense. A strong ruler can be passionate and vociferous (sometimes good, sometimes not!), yet also quiet and reserved like the late Queen, who I think was an incredible ruler.” Hannah has drawn on her editorial prowess in constructing a selection with an integral narrative arc for the listener and also manifested her own RULER energies in art directing her own portrait for the ARgENTUM soundtrack, presenting herself as ‘Elegant Boss B*tch’ Here’s her whistle-stop tour of her inspirations for RULER.

“Rihanna and Beyonce are clearly women in their power. They are full-force gales, and their music has great energy to draw from. Sade is a different model and is the epitome of the ruler of her own domain. She stays true to her vision and craft, and she is unswayable. 100% herself. She releases an album when the time is right, sometimes with huge gaps between. She is the ultimate in class.

A good ruler understands his or her shortfalls. Takes responsibility. Like George Michael ~ a lyrical genius ~ who dealt so well with his own idiosyncrasies, with understated humour and irony. I had to have Madonna on the list. The Queen of Pop! Like a Prayer is a big track of hers. Enjoy the Silence is a powerful track. I love its title, and it’s a reminder to appreciate the quieter times.

Wake Up Everybody – is from a soul classics playlist I love. The message here is about taking responsibility for our lives and community. It’s such an uplifting track sung with such resonance and heart.

This Woman’s Work is a Kate Bush song, and this is a genius cover version. Bittersweet. It is a great track when I am feeling reflective and need to go inside my thoughts and feelings for a spell. Put it on and turn it up. The adage a woman’s work is never done really chimes for me with this track too. It’s overwhelming and beautiful in equal parts. I love working, and the identity it gives, but all the other parts of me are important, too, especially love and friendship. This song has real power.

I love One More Time. The archetype message here is to keeping going. The sun does come out again. The pendulum will swing back. I love dancing and the joy it brings. And Crazy in Love ~ I defy anyone of my generation or younger to not feel compelled to move when listening to this!

Lose Yourself ~ Eminem. You have one shot at life; face your fears and power through the bumps. I love how this track builds — great words from one of life’s modern poets.

Miss Independent is a total guilty pleasure. A woman doing her thing and a man being inspired. Let Me Blow Ya Mind and We Found Love ~ Eve and Rihanna: both are terrific tracks by fabulous women. I tap into their energy and power up. Turn them up and strut the streets! Especially the Rihanna one. It’s full force and such a powerful track. I love the title, and it’s true that in life, often Love chooses you, and it’s beyond our control... I put this on when I need to go ~ go, go. So, these are my tracks ~ my homage to the power of these artists’ craft. My only regret is the dozen or so other tracks that didn’t make it to the list!”

Listen to the RULER Soundtrack, curated by Hannah Teare: