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Spring Equinox Rituals for Renewal

Spring Equinox Rituals for Renewal

What is the spring equinox?

The spring equinox ~ its name coming from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night) ~ is one of two times in the year when the hours of day and night are in perfect balance, the other being the autumn equinox. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator going south to north. This happens yearly on 20th or 21st March, marking the beginning of spring. It also marks the beginning of the astrological calendar in the first house of Aries, making it a particularly powerful moment to set intentions and channel the fiery energy of Aries.

As a time of more light lies ahead, the spring (or vernal) equinox symbolises newness approaching, a period of change and renewal, a rebirth after the stillness of winter. Work in harmony with the rhythms of the Earth and harness its energy ~ use it to reflect, reconnect, and re-frame.

Check in with yourself during this period of balance. What are you ready to let go of? What do you want to invite in? How can you cultivate more balance? This is the perfect time to create new habits, new patterns, and new ways of being that align more with who you truly are…

What finds shape and strength now will guide the rest of your year.

Celebrate and harness this fruitful time of year through meaningful rituals

There are festivals all over the world which celebrate springtime and this sacred period of renewal: Easter, Jewish Passover, Pagan Ostara, Holi in India, Songkran in Thailand, Hanami in Japan, but there are also plenty of smaller ways to honour this time.

Discover seven different things you can do to align with the Earth and the cultures across it below, and see which your intuition guides you towards.

1. Embrace sunrise and sunset

Find a spot in nature to bathe in the light that begins to fill this day of ultimate balance, and return to watch it relent peacefully again twelve hours later. Soak up the harmonious energy of equal day and night, rest in its balance. Use this time to think about how you might create and nurture this in your own life.

For inspiration, draw one of our archetype cards ~ reflect on its symbolic imagery, the inherent energy it holds, and what that means for you.

2. Look for wildlife reappearing, nature unfolding

March’s full moon is also known endearingly as the ‘Worm Moon’ as, traditionally, it’s when the ground begins to thaw and worm casts appear on lawns, attracting the birds. Take a walk around your local area and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature awakening ~ there’s magic to be found in even the smallest suburban hedgerow.

Notice the cherry trees that have poured their energy forth into a beautiful fluttering of delicate flowers. Tiny buds have opened up to reveal soft, crinkly petals encircling a crowd of pollen-tipped stamens, ready to dance in the breeze at any opportunity. Appreciation for the cherry blossom’s fleeting beauty is the basis for spring equinox celebrations in Japan, where picnics and hanami (flower viewing) parties are enjoyed.

And it's not just the sights, but also the sounds of nature that begin to reawaken with new vigour in spring. Begin your mornings with another of nature’s beautiful phenomenons ~ birdsong. Open a window and just listen.

With the increasing light that signals the beginning of spring, a chemical messenger is produced in our tuneful little friends’ brains, causing the beautiful dawn chorus of each new day, a sound so characteristic of this time of year. Scientists believe that this same hormone and process is produced in the human brain, but thus far its function remains a mystery.

3. Take part in a grounding practice 

Connect with the earth and embrace the fresh beginnings of spring with this simple grounding practice…

  • Find a quiet, natural space outdoors where you feel at peace. This could be a garden or park. The key is to be in direct contact with the earth. If it’s warm and dry enough, bare feet is best to connect with the ground.
  • Stand or sit comfortably, feeling the earth beneath you. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. With each exhale, sink deeper, imagining any stress or tension leaving your body.
  • Open your eyes and observe your surroundings. Take a moment to notice the sounds, smells, and sights of nature around you. 
  • Place your hands on the ground or simply feel your feet firmly planted on the earth. Imagine drawing up strength and energy from the earth, filling yourself with a sense of balance and renewal.
  • Take a few more deep breaths, expressing silent gratitude to nature and the energy of the equinox. When you feel ready, gently rise, carrying the calm and grounded energy with you into the rest of your day.

4. Spring clean your home

Embrace the spring equinox as a time to cleanse and rejuvenate your living space. This ritual goes beyond mere spring cleaning ~ it's about infusing your home with fresh energy and intention, aligning your environment with the renewing spirit of spring.

  • Begin by decluttering your home, symbolic of making space for new growth and opportunities in your life. 
  • As you clean each room, do so with mindfulness and purpose. Visualise sweeping away old energies and welcoming fresh, vibrant energy with each stroke. 
  • If you have a diffuser, add a few drops of springtime essential oils like lavender, lemon. These scents not only cleanse the air but also uplift your spirit, infusing your home with the essence of spring.
  • Finish by cleaning your windows thoroughly. As you do so, imagine the clarity and brightness of spring light entering your home, bringing with it new perspectives and positive energy.

5. Plant a springtime vegetable garden

Observe the plant activity around you and begin to understand the cycles of life, this is the practice of phenology ~ the ancient study of the Earth and its cycles. With this knowledge, you can work in harmony to plant a vegetable garden you can watch flourish and grow as the weather warms. 

Crocuses popping up means it’s time to plant radishes, parsnips and spinach, and when daffodils bloom, vegetables such as beetroots, carrots and chard should be planted. Work with nature’s rhythms to cultivate a beautiful garden that can nourish you in the months to come. 

You don’t need outside space either. Radish, spinach and chard grow well indoors if well cared for. 

6. Set intentions

Reflect on where you are right now, and where you would like to direct your energy as the year unfolds. Take some time to examine the patterns you engage in, seeing which allow you to flourish and bring you joy, and which slow your growth.

Write down some intentions for the rest of the year and meditate on them for a while. Then go forth into a new moment, energised by a deeper knowledge of self, and a greater sense of how to create outer and inner alignment.

7. Take a moment to be with your body 

Nurture your connection to your physical self ~ check in with it regularly to give it the love it deserves. Looking after the mind, body, and soul are equally important. Beauty is balance, after all.

As the weather gets warmer, our bodies begin to require more hydration. From the start of the new season, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, and take time to reassess your skincare ritual. A deeply hydrating cleanser such as our nourishing oil to milk cleanser ~ la lune de velours will give your face the extra care it requires.

For the rest of your body, harness the timeless strength of silver and DNA HP’s ability to carry 10,000 times its weight in water with our hydrating body lotion ~ la lotion infinie. This powerful moisturiser means your springtime skin is left balanced, nourished, and full of life.

8. Embody the equinox energy

Most importantly, lean into and embrace this freshness, newness, and growth. Embody the energy of the vernal equinox by incorporating something into your everyday that symbolises all these things for you.

A new scent can be a wonderfully powerful and playful way to do this ~ explore our library of natural fragrances and see which one you’re most drawn to to accompany you on your unfolding journey.

“You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming”

Pablo Neruda