ARgENTUM was created for all skin types and ages ~ but how could we demonstrate that this really was the case with our extraordinarily effective face cream for optimum skin health, la potion infinie? We pursued scientific proof of the efficacy of our patented formula through clinical trials.
The renowned medical training institution, University Hospital of Toulouse in France performed a three-fold test which recorded patient, dermatologist, and biometrological feedback for three months. This three-fold approach means that the results we got were as accurate as is scientifically possible.
Biometrological means that as well as qualitative patient and dermatologist feedback, specialist equipment quantitatively measured the skin’s hydration levels, elasticity, and texture throughout the trials.
The results were astonishing, clinically proving that la potion infinie improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne and blemishes, and pigmentation, as well as actively reducing inflammation ~ known to cause skin imbalances and ageing.