When you arrive at our boutique store in Notting Hill we will help you set an intention (or orientation) by starting with an archetype card reading in which you’ll discover the scent that matches your energy. The cards you draw align to one or more of our subtle, water-based fragrances, les parfums infinis.
Before the hands-on treatment with Guillaume, the AXO method creator, we will refresh your skin, using our oil to milk cleanser, la lune de velours, hydrate with our soothing silver tonic water, l’eau de jouvence, and allow the skin to purify and renew with our balancing clay mask, le masque infini.
Then it’s over to the magic touch of Guillaume, using our gorgeous, revitalising oil l’etoile infinie.
Following the face treatment, we invite you to rest and return to your day with our gentle jasmine silver tip tea.
Before you leave, we will share with you some after treatment care tips, so you feel your best.